A Victorian Post Box on Market Street in Preston How many times have I walked past that and not realised that it was different to any of the other ones that I had seen locally? A Victorian Post Box on Market Street in Preston The plaque is inscribed; THIS VICTORIAN LETTER BOX WAS PRESENTED TO THE 1992 GUILD MAYOR ELECT COUNCILLOR MR HAROLD PARKER BY MR ALUN ROBERTS, DISTRICT HEAD POSTMASTER ON TUESDAY 31ST DECEMBER 1991 TO CELEBRATE PRESTON GUILD YEAR 1992 A Victorian Post Box on Market Street, presented to the 1992 Guild Mayor by Royal Mail I had known that Post boxes had Royal Cyphers on them, but just presumed that they had all been replaced over time for ones with ER on them. I hadn't really thought about the ones that may have survived from previous monarchs' reigns. Royal Cyphers that feature on Post boxes I hadn't found the one in Preston in 'real life', I had to resort to the Interweb to find it. The first time that I realised that there might still be some ...
Sharing my personal experiences and accounts of my local area, Old Lancashire