Who Was Edward Garlick? The question arose on a local history Facebook group called ' Preston History '. It had come from another local Facebook group (the Preston Past and Present group). It was asking about a commemorative plaque on Winckley Square that noted Edward Garlick, who was a former resident of number 21. I wasn't aware of the plaque, but had come across him on the Foundation Stone of Preston Dock, which I had photographed in April this year (2024). A number of members posted various pieces of information that they knew about him, or had found online. Here are a few things that I had discovered along the way. EDWARD GARLICK M.I.C.E. an ENGINEER EDWARD GARLICK M.I.C.E. an ENGINEER (M.I.C.E. - Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers) The best summary comes from his Obituary, which was taken from a publication by ICE (the Institution of Civil Engineers). EDWARD GARLICK , born in 1822, served his engineering apprenticeship to Mr. Philip Park, of Pres...
Sharing my personal experiences and accounts of my local area, Old Lancashire