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Showing posts from August, 2024

Who Was Edward Garlick? EDWARD GARLICK M.I.C.E. - ENGINEER

Who Was Edward Garlick? The question arose on a local history Facebook group called ' Preston History '.  It had come from another local Facebook group (the Preston Past and Present group).  It was asking about a commemorative plaque on Winckley Square that noted Edward Garlick, who was a former resident of number 21. I wasn't aware of the plaque, but had come across him on the Foundation Stone of Preston Dock, which I had photographed in April this year (2024).  A number of members posted various pieces of information that they knew about him, or had found online.  Here are a few things that I had discovered along the way. EDWARD GARLICK M.I.C.E. an ENGINEER EDWARD GARLICK M.I.C.E. an ENGINEER (M.I.C.E. - Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers) The best summary comes from his Obituary, which was taken from a publication by ICE (the Institution of Civil Engineers). EDWARD GARLICK , born in 1822, served his engineering apprenticeship to Mr. Philip Park, of Pres...

Down Yet Another Internet Rabbit Hole! The Harris, a Foucault Pendulum and George J. Gibbs

Down Yet Another Internet Rabbit Hole! Last week I stumbled across one of my photographs, taken on my smartphone in 2016, of the inside of The Harris from the first floor.  I posted it on a local Facebook group.  This solicited a question in the comments about the Foucault Pendulum. The Foucault’s Pendulum was installed at the Harris in 1909 by George J. Gibbs. He was the Honorary Curator of Preston Observatory.  It’s a pendulum that swings in one plane whilst the Earth essentially rotates underneath it.  It was first devised by Leon Foucault, who set up a pendulum experiment in Paris. Photograph of the inside of The Harris from the second floor When ' The Harris ' (The Harris Museum and Art Gallery) opens again, the Pendulum will be in  slightly different position from before.  It has now been moved to the centre of the space, and it’s going to make use of the beautiful floor, which is like a compass rose.  It will drop from the centre of the ceiling ...


UNITAS BENEVOLENTIA ET CONCORDIA Unity, Benevolence and Concord The FORESTERS' HALL still exists, for now, and would have once been next to the Trinity Church from my earlier post. It was built in 1878 for the Ancient Order of Foresters , a British Friendly Society, established by 1790 in Yorkshire. It was used as their "court" (lodge). The FORESTERS' HALL | UNITAS BENEVOLENTIA ET CONCORDIA It later became 'The Flamingo Club', and has more recently been used for residential accommodation. I understand there are plans to demolish it for a new development. The FORESTERS' HALL 1878 | UNITAS BENEVOLENTIA ET CONCORDIA The FORESTERS' HALL | UNITAS BENEVOLENTIA ET CONCORDIA Foresters Friendly Society The Foresters Friendly Society was formed in Rochdale in August 1834, when over 300 branches of the Royal Foresters society (established in the 18th century) formed the new Ancient Order of Foresters. Design for the Ancient Order of Foresters | Unity, Benevolenc...